How To Tell The Children

The innocent victims in a divorce are the children, how do you tell the children in a way they can understand what is happening to their family. We have found an innovative way to make this discussion less painful and more understandable for children to comprehend.

How To Tell The Children

The creation of a story book, a familiar reference for children ages 5 to 10 and 10 to 15 is the focus of the author. A guide which takes you step-by-step in preparing an attractive personal family storybook, in a photo-album format, that your children will want to read.

Some of the subjects suggested to use are:
  • You are, and always will be, loved my Mom and Dad.
  • You are, and will continue to be, safe.
  • You are not to blame for any of this.
  • Mom and Dad will still always be your Mom and Dad.
  • This is about change, not about blame.
  • Everything is going to be okay.
Using a book to open the door to further conversation will make your child feel better about these unfortunate circumstance. This is also something they can read over and over to reinforce the security they need in these transitional times.