After making the decision to get divorced, Divorce Attorney Finder can make your second most important decision a little easier. Most cases have assets, debt and material items that must be sorted out in a settlement, getting the right advice from a good attorney can make all the difference in the world when it comes down to a settlement. If children are involved you will need an attorney with experience in child support and alimony.
There are occasions where a Simple Divorce will do, this can be done without a lawyer.
Why Is A Divorce Attorney Needed?
The need for an attorney is paramount because of emotions. It's natural that divorce takes a heavy emotional toll on both parties. A divorce attorney is not only working for your best interests, but they are a neutral third party not emotionally attached to the situation.
Emotions can cause undue stress and more importantly you will likely make bad decisions. Also, the complexities of the law force us to work with competent attorneys, these are some of the reasons you need a divorce attorney, we can help you choose the right one.
Are You In A Hurry?
If you just want to look for a attorney now, go to Legal Match - Find a Lawyer. You will find instructions on how to locate a divorce attorney that is right for your situation.
Are All Divorce Attorneys Created Equal?
You know the answer to this, No. Some have more experience in child custody cases, others are more adept in financial matters, while some are better trial litigators. Your final choice will be determined by Fees and the specific nature of your situation.
Take time to go through the information on this site: How to Find a Divorce Attorney That's Right for You.
Do your homework and find the right one for your situation. One way to do this is through a referral from friends or family. The second way to get referrals is from the attorney themselves. Sometimes the court will have a list of divorce attorneys that are in good standing, but you still have to interview them.
Trust your instincts. If you don't mix well with an attorney chances are you won't do well. There are plenty of divorce attorneys to choose from. More often than not that pit in your stomach will be a good indicator. Some attorneys will claim to be specialists in fields of law that are HOT. If they have a limited client referral base this indicates they are new to the divorce game, keep looking.
Find a divorce attorney with experience. Find one that has the expertise for your situation. Get references if you can. Get the attorney fees for your case and get the fee structure for extra services if needed. Interview several attorneys and get the feel for how the process will go.
Finally, call back and ask simple questions. You're doing this to test responsiveness, not get answers. If you have trouble getting through at this stage imagine how it will be later on. Keep looking.
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